Homework will be sent out on a Friday and should be returned on a Thursday. English and Maths will alternate each week.
Spellings will be set online from the Friday but will be introduced to children on a Monday. Spelling test will be on Friday. Please encourage your children to use Spelling Shed to practise.
Home Reading Planners will be collected in on a Friday. The expectation for Year 6 is that children read 5 times per week and that parents/carers sign the entry.
PE: Children to come to school in their P.E kits on their designated days. Please ensure that your child comes appropriately dressed following school PE dress code. Year 6 P.E days are Wednesday and Friday.
Details of the Year 6 learning journey can be found here:
Please note, this page will be updated termly, so please keep checking back.
Our topics for the Spring Term are: ‘Walk Like An Egyptian’, and ‘Extreme Weather’. During the first half term, the children will learn all about life in Ancient Egypt, focusing on mummification, who Howard Carter was and what his discoveries were, as well as learning about life during the time. We are particularly looking forward to an online visit from The British Museum, which delves into the Ancient Egyptian Era, looking at artefacts, discussing myths and engaging in interactive learning. During the second half term, the children will learn all about Volcanoes, Tectonic Plates and how weather has caused changes to the UK’s features, such as coastlines and rivers. Throughout English, the children will continue to embed a range of Grammar skills in their extended writing. They will plan, draft, edit and publish a range of genres, including: an instruction text, story ending, newspaper article, character description, formal letter and an extended story. In Maths, the children will continue to develop their knowledge and understanding of key concepts linking to angles, ratio, algebra, position and direction, perimeter, area and volume as well as learning about BIDMAS. In these lessons, the children will also develop their fluency skills, practising arithmetic style questions as well as applying this knowledge to reasoning style problems. Science focuses on the study of ‘Light’ and ‘Animals including Humans’, with a specific focus on the heart, blood vessels and blood. In PE, children will develop Hockey, Gymnastics, Dance and Athletic skills and will take part in a range of competitive games. Our outdoor PE day is Tuesday during this term, and Wednesday for indoor PE. Please see the uniform policy to ensure your child has appropriate clothing for PE. Throughout all our subjects and lessons, we provide opportunities for Year 6 to be curious, confident and courageous on their journey to becoming ‘Weddy Graduates.’ During this term, we will continue to focus on learning test skill and technique in preparation for the children’s upcoming SATS in May. Talking to the children about SATs helps them to understand that this is normal classroom practice. After February half term, our afterschool revision sessions will begin and a separate letter will be sent home with full details. During this term, we will be holding a parent/carer information evening about SATs.
Year 6 started this term with an exciting book week, based on the text 'The Nowhere Emporium' by Ross McKenzie. During the week, the children explored the characters thoughts and feelings and how these characters demonstrated aspects of our 'Weddy Values' and our vision. Following this, the children have planned and written a wonderful diary entry in the role of the main character - Daniel. Through drama, the children explored dialogue and feelings and used this to write a conversation using inverted commas and speech punctuation.
This term in English, the children will produce a range of genres, including comic strips, letter writing, character descriptions and Playscripts, linking to our theme 'Avengers Assemble.' Throughout the term, the children will engage in a variety of Grammar lessons, developing their knowledge of Year 6 Grammar skills. In Maths, the children will develop their knowledge of place value in numbers up to ten million, as well as learning the four methods of calculation, which they will begin to apply to Year 6 arithmetic style questions. It is crucial children know their times tables up to 12x 12 so please ensure children practise these regularly. In History, the children will carry out research into a study of the local area and our topic is, 'War of the Roses' which is brand new for Year 6 this year. Our Science topic is 'Evolution and Inheritance' which is an exciting topic exploring which of our attributes are inherited as well as learning about Charles Darwin and Mary Anning. In PE, the children will develop their skills of throwing and catching and will learn the rules of Netball, applying these to games. They will also take part in indoor circuit training to develop their core strength. The children have lots of exciting lessons and learning to look forward to during this Autumn term.
SATs are national tests that children take twice during their primary school life. Firstly, at the end of Key Stage 1 (KS1) in Year 2, and then secondly, at the end of Key Stage 2 (KS2) in Year 6. These standardised tests are actually known as End of Key Stage Tests and Assessments, but most people know them as SATs (Standard Assessment Tests) .
SATs are an indicator of the progress your child has made at school so far. They are not a measure of whether your child is passing or failing; they simply show what level your child is currently working to. Pupils sit their second set of SATs at KS2 level in Year 6. These tests are more formal than those taken in KS1 and have set exam days as well as external marking in the majority of schools. Children will take exams in English reading comprehension, grammar, punctuation, spelling, mathematical reasoning, and arithmetic.
Once the KS2 SATs are complete, they will be sent away for external marking and children should receive their results towards the end of the summer term in July of Year 6. You will receive a report stating your child’s:
KS2 Reading
The reading test is a single paper with questions based on three passages of text. Your child will have one hour, including reading time, to complete the test.
There will be a selection of question types, including:
KS2 Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling (SPaG)
The grammar, punctuation and spelling test consists of two parts: a grammar and punctuation paper requiring short answers, lasting 45 minutes, and an aural spelling test of 20 words, lasting around 15 minutes.
The grammar and punctuation test will include two sub-types of questions:
KS2 Maths
Children sit three papers in maths:
Paper 1 will consist of fixed response questions, where children have to give the correct answer to calculations, including long multiplication and division. Papers 2 and 3 will involve a number of question types, including:
Hit The Button: Times Table Practice A excellent website for children to practice their multiplication, division, number bonds and square numbers.
In order to achieve ‘Expected’ in Writing for SATS, Year 6 must achieve a particular level of continuous cursive handwriting in order to be awarded this standard. Children will be awarded a pen licence when they have shown that they can continuously meet this expectation. They are then permitted to write with a black 'frixion' pen in English and Theme work.