Ms Courtney, Miss Bray and Mrs Fayi are all so excited to be teaching your wonderful children this year and cannot wait to get stuck into some fabulous learning.
Homework, reading books and spellings are sent home on a Friday. Please make sure your homework and your reading books are returned back in to school for the following Wednesday. Spelling tests are on a Friday, and your teacher will send your child's spellings score to you through your reading record.
Our PE days are on a Wednesday and a Friday. Please make sure your child is wearing a suitable PE kit. In our uniform policy, this states that there are no logos on clothes or trainers. Earrings will need to be removed for these days, unless recently pierced (6 weeks).
Thank you :)
Details of the Year 2 learning journey can be found here:
Please note, this page will be updated termly, so please keep checking back.
This term the children in Year 2 will be learning about The Victorians and India.
In English, the children will be further exploring recounts using their own personal experiences, as well as writing about the Victorians using ‘The Great Stink’ and ‘Street Child’ to inspire them. Through Guided Reading the children will use a range of text types and genres to become increasingly confident with their fluency and ability to retrieve, infer, predict, sequence and understand vocabulary. In Spring 2, our classbook will be THE SECRET DIARY OF JANE PINNY.
In Maths this term, the children will be learning to compare, calculate and solve problems involving money (notes and coins). Additionally, they will explore length, height, mass, capacity and temperature through a range of practical activities and apply their knowledge to further secure their ability to solve a variety of problems. The children will also be working on multiplication and division, and we encourage the children to use Times Table Rockstars regularly to secure their knowledge as this will be critical in their Maths next year and beyond.
Children will be learning about animals (including humans), their life cycles and animal habitats in Science. They will also learn about staying healthy by consuming a healthy, balanced diet and the positive effects of exercise on the body.
In Theme, the children will explore how The Victorians lived and they will also be learning about India; drawing comparisons between the Asian country and the UK, the country that they call home.
Our wonderful Year 2s will also be designing, constructing and evaluating a bridge in DT that can lift and open, further building on their science knowledge about properties of materials from last term. To further encourage and enhance the children’s creativity, they will explore the designs of William Morris and make their own repeated patterns inspired by this great designer in Art lessons.
All staff are looking forward to another successful term in Year 2 where the children will have countless opportunities to be courageous, confident and curious and continue their journey towards becoming amazing Weddy graduates.
Our topic this term is 'Fire and Ice.' We will be looking at the seasons, weather patterns and the historical event of The Great Fire of London to delve into this topic. We will be reading the book, 'The Squirrel and the Lost Treasure and 'Lost and Found' in our English lessons. These books are beautifully illustrated to inspire the children.
For reading, your child will have a book to read at home. Please return the book on a Tuesday, so it can be changed and returned for Wednesday.
Do listen to your child daily please. It makes a huge difference to their reading ability and confidence. Remember, even if your child is not reading, listening to stories exposes them to language that they would otherwise not hear. It is vital that you read to them to support their ability to write.
In Maths, we will be learning about Place Value, Addition and Subtraction.
In Place Value, we will be learning to count and write numbers up to 100, and will locate numbers on a number line. We will partition numbers into their values of tens and will learn to count in 2s, 3s, 5s and 10s.
The children will use a variety of resources to help them in their math's lessons, including: base 10, ten frames, numicon and counters.