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Weddington Primary Out of Hours Club

Ofsted Registration Number - 2634889       

Charity Number - 1177983

Welcome to Weddington Primary Out of Hours Club

Weddington Primary School is fortunate enough to have a fabulous out-of-school facility within the school building, which is run by highly qualified, dedicated staff. The Club has charitable status and is a separate entity to Weddington Primary School, albeit we work very closely with the Head teacher and school staff.

We offer a Breakfast and After-School Club operating during term-time from 7.30 a.m. – 8.30 a.m. and the afternoon sessions run from 3.15 p.m. – 5.45 p.m. Monday to Thursday. On Fridays the setting operates from 3.15 pm - 5.15 pm. During the sessions, children are served drinks and breakfast in the morning and healthy snacks in the afternoon session. We also take children aged 3 years from Weddington Preschool (please speak to preschool staff if you require further information).

The club prides itself on providing a safe, fun and caring environment for children attending Weddington Primary School. We offer a variety of indoor and outdoor activities for a range of ages, including arts and crafts, cooking, a gardening club, sports, table tennis and a homework/computer club.

  • To provide a happy, safe, warm and stimulating environment for all children to play, learn and develop freely.
  • To encourage children to have a positive attitude and respect for adults and children.
  • To promote a positive relationship with parents/carers and work in partnership with them to provide high-quality play and care for all their children.
  • To enable pupils to eat breakfast before the start of the school day and have an after-school snack in a relaxed environment.
  • To provide physical activities that promote healthy children.
Our Club is committed to providing:
  • Activities that are interesting, enjoyable, stimulating, safe and fun.
  • Children to independently access an array of facilities, equipment, toys and staff to provide safe and supervised provision.
  • Staff that are experienced and qualified in Safeguarding, First Aid and Food Hygiene. A team that is empathetic, always caring and demonstrates inclusive practice.
  • Promote excellent partnerships with parents/carers.

If you require further information please contact Stephanie King, Manager, on 07952 323245 or alternatively email

For current prices for sessions, please refer to the Handbook for Parents which is detailed below.

Please note that we are no longer open during school holidays or Teacher Training Days. 

Our Wonderful Staff

Mrs King - Manager/Designated Safeguarding Lead


Mrs Bradshaw - Deputy Manager/Designated Safeguarding Lead/First Aider


Miss King - Senior Administrator/Thrive Practitioner/Early Help Lead


Mrs Cross - Admin/Playworker


Mrs Bateman - Playworker


Mrs Anderson - Playworker


Miss Potts - Playworker
Miss Hill - Playworker




Weddington Primary Out of Hours Club - New Starters 2023/2024

For those of you who have been offered a school place for your child in Reception this year and are wanting information about the Out of Hours childcare facility.  If you have already sent in a Registration Form, your child will be guaranteed a place at the setting.  If you require further information please call 07952 323245. 

Please note if you wish to book your child into Out of Hours, please ring the Out of Hours telephone number and not the school office.  As a reminder, you can leave a text message on 07952 323245 or leave a voice message if the setting is closed. 

Partnership with Weddington Pre-School

Does your child attend Weddington Pre-School?

Are they 3+ years old?

Do you require early morning and/or after Pre-School care for your child/children?

Weddington Primary Out of Hours Club can provide this care. We can deliver your child to Pre-School in the morning and collect them at 3.15pm.

For further details please contact Stephanie King at Out of Hours or Natalie Gudgeon at Pre-School.

What do OFSTED say about us?
  • Children are happy on arrival at the club.
  • Children enjoy spending time outdoors.
  • Children play extremely cooperatively. They build strong friendships and develop and negotiate the rules of their play.
  • The leaders and staff team are extremely skilled and effective. They are excellent role models for the children. Staff communicate respectfully with the children, explaining things clearly to them and encouraging them to share their thoughts and ideas.
  • The provision is inclusive. Leaders and staff are knowledgeable about how to most effectively support children with special educational needs and/or disabilities. They work closely with teachers from the school so they can provide continuity in children's care. This helps to ensure that children receive appropriate support to enjoy every aspect of the provision on offer.

At our latest Ofsted inspection, we were awarded the highest grade for Out of Hours Clubs - 'Met'. Please see our recent Ofsted report under the document section of the page.

Ofsted Report June 2023
OFSTED Report - November 2019
OFSTED Report - January 2015
Handbook for Parents/Carers
