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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4

Homework will be sent out on a Friday and should be returned on a Wednesday. English and Maths will alternate each week. 

Spellings will be set online from the Friday but will be introduced to children on a Monday. Spelling test will be on Friday. Please encourage your children to use Spelling Shed to practise.

PE - Children are to come to school in their P.E kits on their designated days. Please ensure that your child comes appropriately dressed following the school PE dress code. Year 4 P.E days are Monday for Outdoor and Friday for Indoor. 


Attenborough Class

Eliot Class

Queen Class

What We're Learning

Details of the Year 4 learning journey can be found here: 

Year 4 - What we're learning

Please note, this page will be updated termly, so please keep checking back.

Spring Term

In the spring term, Year 4's topics are 'Wonderful Water' and the 'Anglo Saxons'. In English we will be looking at a range of texts, from non fiction to fiction as well as poetry. We will be developing our writing skills by looking at descriptive language and inverted commas and using these skills to write letters and newspaper reports. 

In whole class reading, we will be looking at a range of different texts to develop our reading skills. The first text we are looking at is 'The Enchanted Forest' by Enid Blyton. Within the text, we will be using the reading dogs to help us develop our understanding. 

In Science, our topic is 'Animals Including Humans', we will be looking at the digestive system and identify the different type of teeth in humans. We will take part in different investigations including one of tooth decay. 

Our topic in our Geography is water, where children will understand the importance of water and will locate major water bodies across the world. Children will also explore the water cycle and find out what different parts will make up a river. Children will also have the opportunity to go on a local walk to the River Anker to conclude their learning.

Within our History lessons, we will look at the changes that took place in Britain after the Romans. We will explore what life was like in Anglo Saxon Britain, such as: where they used to live, the gods and goddesses they worshiped and who their enemies were. 

We look forward to our learning journey throughout the spring term.

Year 4 Team

Spring 1

Autumn Term

In Year 4 we are excited to be spending our English lessons exploring ‘Billy and the Minpins’ by Roald Dahl, we are listening to the adventure Billy goes on, into the Forest of Sin. Using sensational sentences in our writing we will learn how to include subordinating conjunctions and fronted adverbials to create fabulous descriptions of the forest and the monsters within.

In whole class reading Year 4 are diving into ‘The Witches’ to explore another story written by Roald Dahl, followed by delving into ‘Paddington’. We will use these books to undertake a range of guided reading tasks related to our reading dogs such as: Retrieval Rex, Vocabulary Victor, Prediction Pip, Summarising Sheba and Inference Iggy.

We are excited to be looking ‘Through the Window’ in our first geography topic in our Theme lessons. We will find out about our local area using maps and compasses to create our own maps. Later on we will have the opportunity to extend our knowledge of physical and human geographical features that can be found in our local area.

In our science lessons we are also using our local area, but to explore living things, understanding the characteristics for life and how living things adapt to their habitat. We will learn how to classify living things after under taking a closer inspection of those things living close by to our school.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2