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Welcome to Reception

Homework will begin after October half term, this will be sending books home weekly linked to Read Write Inc. For now, please could adults at home share different stories with their children and practise writing their name. 

PE: Children to come to school in their P.E kits on their designated days. Please ensure that your child comes appropriately dressed following school PE dress code. Reception P.E days are Potter Class - Tuesday and Donaldson Class - Thursday.


Donaldson Class

Potter Class

What We're Learning

Details of the Reception's learning journey can be found here: 

Reception - What we're learning

Please note, this page will be updated termly, so please keep checking back.

Spring Term

This half term receptions learning is all about people who help us. We will be learning about who helps us at home and school, who keeps us safe and healthy, and many more exciting jobs! We have been inviting grown ups into the setting to share with us their jobs and we will be thinking about what job we would like to have when we get older. In maths we will be looking into counting and subitising to five and practising our number formation. Also, we will be learning about Winter and the signs of Winter. Furthermore, we will be adding percussion instruments into our music lessons and trying to compose our own music! 

Spring 1

Autumn Term

This half term Receptions topic is called 'This is me'. We will be learning all about our families, where we live, and people who are special to us. We will be discussing our hobbies and interests and what makes us unique. We will be exploring stories through drawing club, and we will be learning about numbers to five in maths. We will be using the outdoor area to explore the world around us and complete a walk of our local area.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2